Care for Health and Wellness
Our Empath LIFE Medical Clinic provides a team of expert professionals dedicated to helping you remain healthy and functioning well at home. You, your family and care team will create a personalized care plan that meets your needs and honors your culture, lifestyle and wishes. Your team will work with you to improve your whole well-being with ongoing care, education, guidance and support.

Call Us Today
For more information, call us at
(813) 889-5000 or (888) 528-7717
(toll free) or (800) 955-8771
(hearing impaired).
Care and Services include:
- Primary care
- Wound care
- All approved medications and supplies
- Round-trip, medically-necessary transportation to Empath LIFE and other approved medical appointments
- Team home visits when needed
- Social, emotional and spiritual support
- Nursing case management
- Physical and occupational therapies and rehabilitation
- Health and preventative care education
- Strength and function improvement programs
- Medical care decisions assistance
- Trained volunteer assistance
Edited 7/17/2023